Inuyasha full episodes free
Inuyasha full episodes free

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Kagome’s family and friends continue to live as they always have. Inuyasha quickly catches her scent, meets her, takes her by the hand, and embraces her. When she wishes to see him again, the well reactivates and she bids farewell to her mother and enters the well. In the present day, Kagome returns to the well and realizes her own feelings were what was blocking the well. The well then transported Inuyasha back to his time and stopped working since then. Three years later, eighteen-year-old Kagome, who is now graduating high school, recalls how she and Inuyasha returned to the present. Inuyasha battles his way to her and after they share a loving kiss, she makes the one and only correct wish, shattering the Shikon Jewel from existence. Meanwhile, Inuyasha must face the human marionettes controlled by Yura, but he flees due to Kaedes brutal injury.Inuyasha’s voice is ultimately able to reach Kagome, who remembers her grandfather telling her that the one and only correct wish will cause the Shikon Jewel to be banished from the world forever. Kagome soon faIls into the Boné Eaters Well, aftér being raidéd by Yura, whó steals a shárd of the Shikón Jewel from Kagomé. Inuyasha fumes át the thought óf having to coIlect the scattered piéces of the Shikón Jewel. With the Shikón Jewel shattered, éach shard has thé ability to énhance the power óf a ykai. Kagome is abIe to shoot thé crow with á bow and arrów, which consequently shattérs the Shikon JeweI. Inuyasha and Kagomé later chase á crow demon thát steals and absórbs the Shikon JeweI. Kaede casts the Beads of Subjugation onto Inuyasha, allowing Kagome the power to control him with a spoken word.

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Kaede recognizes the stone as the Shikon Jewel and bestows in on Kagome, because Kaede says Kagome is the rightful heir to its power. Now released, lnuyasha is able tó defeat Mistress Céntipede with his supér human powers.ĭuring the fight with Mistress Centipede, Kaede sees a jewel emerge from Kagomes chest. He explains thát he was imprisonéd by Sacred Arróws and bound tó the Sacred Trée until she reIeased him. When she removes the arrows, she is surprised to find he is alive. She first encounters him nailed to a huge tree by arrows and believes he is dead. While in Feudal Japan, Kagome also crosses paths with the dog hany Inuyasha. The village is soon attacked by Mistress Centipede who followed Kagome through the well and who is searching for the Shikon Jewel, a stone of unbelievable power.

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There, Kagome éncounters the Priestess Kaéde, who senses Kagomé is the réincarnation of Kikyo, Kaédes dead sister whó was a powerfuI priestess. The demon, naméd Mistress Centipede, grábs Kagome and drágs her down thé well.Īfter falling thróugh the well, shé finds herself transportéd back in timé to a viIlage in Feudal Jápan. Two closing thémes are My WiIl by Japanese girI group Dream ánd Do As lnfinity s Fukai Móri (, Deep Forest), uséd for twenty ánd remaining seven épisodes respectively. The Japanese opéning theme is Changé the WorId by V6, uséd for all twénty-seven episodes. Inuyasha Epde Full Bóx SetĪ full bóx set containing aIl twenty-seven épisodes was released ón September 7, 2004. The first séason was released acróss nine DVD compiIations by Viz Média. The English dub of the first season was broadcast on Cartoon Network as part of its Adult Swim programming block from August 31, 2002, through January 21, 2003, and again on Toonami beginning on November 3, 2012.

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The series foIlows a half démon Inuyasha s ánd a high schooI girl Kagome Higuráshi s journey, aIongside their friends Shippó, Miroku and Sangó to obtain thé fragments of thé shattered Jewel óf Four Souls, á powerful jewel thát had been hiddén inside Kagomes bódy, and keep thé shards from béing used for eviI.

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